As an experienced Notified Body (NoBo) and Accredited Elevator/Escalator Certification Organization (AECO), Liftinstituut helps manufacturers of elevators, escalators, and moving walkways with their product certification. Since our specialists are familiar with more and more widely accepted European regulations and specific North American guidelines, together with you they enable you to launch a product throughout the world.
1. Product certification based on EU regulations (EU TYPE EXAMINATION OF elevators/lifts, escalators, safety components Etc.)
Liftinstituut performs inspections on all types of elevators and elevator safety components. These include EU certification inspections (type examinations) for elevators, escalators, facade maintenance equipment, and safety components like locking devices, braking mechanisms, cable protection systems, buffers, and printed circuit boards. We perform these certification inspections for manufacturers all over the world based on European safety standards as defined in the Elevator Directive and the Machinery Directive.
- First European Notified Body for the Lift Directive
Liftinstituut was the first European certification organization to be appointed as a Notified Body (Nobo) for the Lift Directive. In recent years, we have carried out assignments for large international elevator manufacturers giving us a great deal of knowledge and experience. As a elevator manufacturer or installer, you too can benefit from our expertise. - Officially recognized by Dutch Council for Accreditation
Liftinstituut is officially recognized by the Dutch Council for Accreditation for product certification of hoisting and lifting equipment, and other horizontal and vertical transport systems (C067). This recognition is based on proven expertise, impartiality and quality. As a Notified Body, Liftinstituut is also qualified to conduct inspections based on EU directives.
Do you want more information on the certification of lift/elevators, escalators etc. (EU type examination)? Please feel free to contact us.
Do you not only want to market your lifts and safety components in the EU but also in the UK? Liftinstituut can also help you with the conversion of your EU certificates to UKCA certificates. For this service we closely work together with LiftCert Ltd, a British certification agent that has been accredited by the authorities to offer UKCA approval for lifts and safety components. Together we take care that your EU certificate is converted and applies to the UKCA-standards.
Do you want more information on UKCA approval of your products? Please feel free to contact us.
3. Product certification based on prevailing standards in North America (ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7)
Liftinstituut is officially appointed as an Accredited Elevator/Escalator Certification Organization (AECO) by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (ID#0842). As a result, Liftinstituut is qualified to certify elevators, escalators, and components for the North American market according to ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7.
- Bridging Europe and North America
Certification according to ASME A17.7/CSA B44.7 helps create more market opportunities for elevator manufacturers in both Europe and North America. As a result, they increasingly choose certifications based on both European and North American standards. - Launching your product within six months
If you’re a European manufacturer wanting to operate in the North American market, A17.7 can help you launch products faster. Instead of the usual four to five years’ wait, you can often launch a product within six months. You are strongly recommended to conduct due diligence before making any product alterations and saddling yourself with a lot of e-mail correspondence and paperwork. The North American and European markets are quite different, so you should be absolutely sure there’s a need for your product before proceeding further.
Do you want to have your elevator/lift certified for the North American market? Please feel free to contact us.
4. Product certification on a voluntary basis: independent third-party certification
Certification not only says a lot about the product on offer, it also says a great deal about the manufacturer. After all, certification demands that the entire product meets all prevailing safety standards. Customers and consumers are calling for more and more safety guarantees. Certification offers reassurance about the level of safety. Liftinstituut boasts enormous safety expertise in product certification for elevators and related machinery. So, show the quality of your product with a Liftinstituut certificate.
Do you want more information about certification on a voluntary basis? Please feel free to contact us.