•  What certification can do for you 

  •  Is your product cybersecure? 

    Build resilient systems with expert guidance on Europe’s latest Cybersecurity regulations
  •  Let us guide you 

    Our passion for safety, your gateway to the world
  •  Master Functional Safety for Lifts and Escalators 

    Training: Functional Safety and IEC 61508

Liftinstituut’s values and principles of conducting business are described in Liftinstituut’s Compliance code. It provides a framework for our everyday business decisions. This includes dealing with other employees, customers, suppliers, society at large, government authorities, regulators, investors and other business partners.

  • Integrity
    Expertise, impartiality, independency and integrity are in our DNA. As a worldwide service provider in lift and escalator expertise, we think that a solid culture of integrity policy and ethical behavior is key in the way we do business. We only issue certificates and reports that objectively represent the actual results and findings.

  • Conflicts of interest
    Our policy is to avoid conflicts of interest in our business transactions and services. Our employees are committed to avoid these conflicts. Liftinstituut’s Compliance code sets out the guidelines for them.

  • Confidentiality and protection of data
    We respect the confidentiality and privacy of client’s information and ensure adequately protection of this information.

  • Anti-bribery
    We do not accept any offer or acceptance of a bribe or fraud, and prohibit the provision of improper benefits as well as accepting improper benefits.

  • Health and safety
    As a major inspection and certification organization safety is our main priority. Therefore we take all the necessary measures for the safety and health of our employees. By means of risk analysis, health and safety training for employees and an open culture that encourages reporting incidents, we maintain our high health and safety standards.

  • Fair labour
    Liftinstituut is committed to meet its social responsibility towards employees and society. We use fair and appropriate wage and working conditions, do not tolerate any form of discrimination, and maintain a zero tolerance policy of abuse, bullying or harassment in the workplace.