•  What certification can do for you 

  •  Is your product cybersecure? 

    Build resilient systems with expert guidance on Europe’s latest Cybersecurity regulations
  •  Let us guide you 

    Our passion for safety, your gateway to the world
  •  Master Functional Safety for Lifts and Escalators 

    Training: Functional Safety and IEC 61508

With Brexit on the way, many producers of lifts and safety components are concerned about the validity of their EU safety certificates in the United Kingdom. Business Manager Albert-Jan van Ommen van Liftinstituut: “From January 1, many products require UKCA marking. The difference between an EU certificate and UKCA marking is negligible. The UK has almost the same safety regulations as the EU. So the new certificate will mainly be an administrative act.”

Transition from CE marking to UKCA marking

“In the UK there will be a transition period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. During that period, EU certificates will remain valid in the UK, and CE marking may still be used. EU certificates issued by a UK based Notified Body will cease to be valid from 1 January 2021. There are possibilities to reissue such certificates as an EU certificate by a Notified Body established within the EU. This must be arranged before January 1, 2021.”

Solution for UK conformity assessment

According to Van Ommen, Liftinstituut also wants to be able to help its customers in the UK with certification in the future and is now making preparations to do that: “We are currently working very hard on a solution where it will be able to offer our clients not just an EU-type certificate, but also a UKCA-certificate for the same product design. After all, Liftinstituut wants to be a partner not only for mainland Europe and North America, but also for the UK of the near future.”  

More information?

Want to know more about the transition from CE to UKCA marking? Please call account manager Dennis Lindeboom on +31 6 520 84 107 or business manager Albert-Jan van Ommen on +31 6 512 43 395.