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The technological developments and innovations within the world of lift systems and lift components follow each other in quick succession. So how does a government deal with the growing number of products that deviate from the standard? How do you offer more technological and innovation freedom while ensuring national lift safety? An increasing number of governments contacts Liftinstituut with these types of questions. “We help them draw up or adjust the inspection regime and implement the legislation to ensure any deviations from the standard are implemented safely.”

Familiar with the European as well as the north American way of working

The experts at Liftinstituut gladly share their knowledge with the world. International business manager Albert-Jan van Ommen explains: “We are currently mainly active in Southeast Asia, in countries like Singapore. With the increase use of programmable control logic in elevator products and revisions to the EU standard, they want to improve their legislative requirements.”

In reviewing, Singapore considered various regulatory regimes and standards, including that of the European and American. “And as it happens, we are the only ones in the world who are familiar with both.” We are a Notified Body in accordance with EU directives as well as an Accredited Elevator/Escalator Certification Organization (AECO) in accordance with American legislation. This allows us to combine the best of both worlds for such governments. Since we join all kinds of consultative structures and standards committees in both Europe and America, we are the first to be informed of any new regulations.”

Certification, inspection and LIFT know-how

International account manager Dennis Lindeboom: “If a government wishes to allow new products and technologies to deviate safely from the standards, it cannot do so without risk analyses. Based on our many years of certification, inspection and lift knowledge, we help governments to adapt their legislation accordingly. We provide training sessions in standards, in risk analyses and in the type certification of both lift components and complete lift systems. We also help countries set up the inspection regime that applies after installation of the lift. What, for example, are the requirements a commissioning inspection or a periodic inspection should meet?”

Van Ommen adds: “In some countries, the inspections are carried out by independent professional engineers. They must be well informed of the latest developments. In Singapore, we are now working with the Building and Construction Authority to develop training courses specific in lifts and escalators. These courses allow the local inspectors to earn a fixed number of points each year for their renewal of practicing certificates.”

Executive partner for lift certifications and inspections

Lindeboom emphasizes that Liftinstituut is more than just a knowledge partner. “We also help governments with the actual implementation of certifications and inspections. This is something we are currently doing in countries around the world. A good example is the Caribbean island of Aruba. They already had legislation for lift inspections. However, it hadn’t been implemented yet.”

“Not only did we support the local authorities on the island in setting up the inspection regime, our local inspectors now also ensure that the now mandatory periodic lift inspection is carried out. This way, we contribute every day to a world with even safer lifts and lift components.”

Would you like more information about this? Give Dennis Lindeboom (+31 6 520 84 107) or Albert Jan van Ommen (+31 6 512 43 395) a call. You can also complete our contact form.