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On January 20, 2027, Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC will be replaced by the new Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230. This is a significant change, also for manufacturers of vertical transportation installations.

What are the key changes introduced by the new regulation? What is its impact on the industry? And how can manufactures ensure machinery compliance? Willem Kasteleijn, Product Manager Certification at Liftinstituut, answers these questions.

What changes with the implementation of the new Machinery Regulation?

“Whether it concerns established market players or newcomers with new products, everyone must comply with the new regulation from 2027 onwards. On the one hand, all parties will face stricter procedures for the conformity assessment of machinery and related products. On the other hand, the procedures will also become more flexible: the regulation introduces unit verification for a ‘one-of-a-kind machine’ instead of EU-type examination. This was not yet available under the Machinery Directive.”

“The new Machinery Regulation also takes product innovations and new technologies more into account. Firstly, the MR includes explicit cybersecurity requirements to protect machines from digital threats—something that was not covered in the Machinery Directive, as it was not a significant issue at the time.”

“Secondly, the regulation addresses emerging technologies, such as machinery with self-evolving behavior using machine learning approaches to ensure safety functions. Furthermore, the MR provides guidelines on how software updates and digital modifications affect machine safety. The current Machinery Directive lacks clear provisions on this, sometimes even leading to confusion.”

Do manufacturers need to act immediately? Or is there a transition period?

“The Machinery Regulation shall be applied on January 20, 2027, fully replacing the Directive. There is no transition period. It is therefore advisable to prepare in time to meet the new requirements.”

“However, there is an exception for manufacturers who hold a product certificate based on the Machinery Directive. The regulation allows that as long as an existing certificate covers all the essential requirements of the Machinery Regulation, it may continue to be used until it expires. The EU has chosen this approach because if every manufacturer were required to have an MR certificate by January 20, it would put enormous pressure on the market.”

So, can manufacturers sit back and relax for now?

“In terms of certification processes, I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. If producers are planning to introduce a new product to the market around 2027, then I wouldn’t wait too long to start the process. Due to the introduction of the Machinery Regulation, lead times at all notified bodies may become longer.”

“For those who already have one or more product certificates based on the Machinery Directive, there is one key piece of advice: start an impact assessment as soon as possible. Check which products and certificates comply with the Machinery Regulation. For example, if your product connects to the internet or is otherwise exposed to digital threats, the likelihood that your certificate needs updating is much greater."

“Even if a certificate still meets the requirements, it can be very wise from a market acceptance perspective to update it anyway. This prevents difficult discussions with customers later on.”

How can Liftinstituut, as a notified body, support manufacturers in the transition to the new Machinery Regulation?

“In the impact assessment phase, we can provide guidance to manufacturers with existing Liftinstituut certificates. We ask the right questions to help them make a well-informed risk assessment.”

“If the conclusion is that the existing certificate remains valid under the new Machinery Regulation, we can issue a supplement to the certificate. This gives the manufacturer’s customers certainty that installations or components comply with the regulation. If they do not align with the Machinery Regulation, we can conduct an additional type examination, ensuring the manufacturer retains free access to the European market.”

“We are ready to guide manufacturers of vertical transportation installations and related products. The biggest names in the industry have been working with us for years already. The reason? Our certification experts follow all legal developments and are thoroughly familiar with the new Machinery Regulation.”

“At Liftinstituut, we are pleased that the new regulation is both effective and practical. It takes all the critical safety aspects into account – also considering the challenges of the digital world. At the same time, the regulation has been designed in a way that makes it workable for the industry. Of course, interpretation is and remains a skill in itself. That is why we are happy to support manufacturers with the correct interpretation of it."