For over a century, steel ropes have been used as traction suspension means for elevators. Around the year 2000, the first alternatives appeared in the form of robust polyurethane belts that were significantly lighter than steel ropes, allowing them to run over smaller diameter pulleys, resulting in more compact, efficient drives and easier maintenance. ELATECH, one of the leading manufacturer of polyurethane belts, has been supporting elevator manufacturers with high quality traction suspension belts since 2004.
Successful certification
The ELATECH flat belt F3 lifting is made of high strength steel tension members that are covered by a robust and abrasion resistant layer of black polyurethane. Liftinstituut Director John van Vliet, International Account Manager Dennis Lindeboom, and Product Specialist Andre van den Burg presented the certificate to the ELATECH team at Interlift in Augsburg. A successful certification was obtained thanks to the collaboration of Liftinstituut and ELATECH, as well as the dedication of the ELATECH team.